This is an initiative of the Fondo de Mujeres del Sur, together with María Wonda Gallery. The exhibition “Miradas de mujeres” (Women’s Gazes) remained open to the public from 10 to 31 May at the Club House “Las Delicias”. Ten women photographers from different aesthetics participated.
We are attending an extraordinary moment in the history of women. The emergence of gender issues has been installed in the public agenda, at national and regional levels.
In this context, the female image in official accounts of the Arts is negligible, despite the high presence of women in their creative and educational practices. Oversight continues to be a material condition of work for women in the Arts, an observation in which various projects urgently report on naturalized inequality in the Arts as in other fields.
This exhibition organized by Fondo de Mujeres del Sur, together with María Wonda Gallery, presented not only a gesture of justice and symbolic equity, but an antidote to the intellectual invisibility suffered by many women above all.

Fondo de Mujeres del Sur developed this proposal, within the framework of its 10 years. Its objective is to give visibility to the contribution made by so many women to the world of art, in its symbolic and material dimensions. In this sense, gender is also a universe of creative possibilities that is enhanced by promoting equity.
The main feature of “Miradas de Mujeres” is its heterogeneity and plurality, where in the photographic work of Argentine artists you can recognize themes such as love, disappointment, childhood.
The photographers that integrated the show are Natalia Roca, Susana Pérez, Leslie Pereyra, Candelaria Magliano, Celeste Martínez, Ana Zych, Mora Kirchner, Cecilia Casenave, Luciana Rodríguez and Paola Spaletti.
On Wednesday, May 23 at 7:30 p.m., the formal presentation of the show was made with a vernissage in the Club House of the Country “Las Delicias” (Av. Ejército Argentino 1067). The event was attended by the artists and their curator, María Belén Wonda. See the photos!